Aim $amp; Scope

The Video Journal of Vitreoretinal Surgery (VJVRS) is a peer-reviewed, free-access online and DVD journal that publishes original videos of surgical procedures of the vitreous and retina. Topics include new surgical techniques, instrument updates, interesting surgical cases and research findings. Reviews of well-known and recognized operations are also considered.

Skill transfer

VJVRS is designed to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and skills of vitreoretinal surgical procedures for ophthalmic surgeons and associated personnel. It is not the intent of the VJVRS to replace printed journals: rather, it takes advantage of video technology to capture and communicate all facets of the diseases of the posterior segment of the eye, thereby complementing traditional paper-based publications.

The Video Journal of Vitreoretinal Surgery is a tool for both publishing one’s own surgical videos and learning from quality-controlled videos of other vitreoretinal surgeons from around the world.

Every issue is comprised of one or more of the following sections:

a) Original video: contributions presenting a surgical technique
b) Interesting case: presentation of a surgical case
c) New technology: addressing new developments in devices and instrumentation


Publish your video rather than only presenting it at meetings

The Video Journal of Vitreoretinal Surgery forges a new frontier in visualized scientific publication by providing peer-reviewed videos in the field of vitreoretinal surgery. We invite you to actively participate by submitting your own videos to VJVRS. Your work will be published, provided with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number, accessible around the globe, as well as cited in your publication list.

Citing VJVRS video publications:

Any video publication may be cited with the following information:
Authors. Title. Video Journal of Vitreoretinal Surgery. Year. doi: number.
e. g.
Puchta J, Mirshahi A. 23-gauge vitrectomy and subretinal rTPA injection for submacular hemorrhage. Video Journal of Vitreoretinal Surgery. 2010. doi: 10.5677/2010-1-2.

Guide for authors

You can submit your video for peer review and publication in VJVRS via the journal’s website or by sending a DVD to the journal’s office. Please refer to the "Author area" for more detailed information.

Author area

Editorial board

Editorial in chief

Alireza Mirshahi, MD, FEBO
Mainz, Germany

  • Lars-Olof Hattenbach, MD
    Professor of ophthalmology
    Ludwigshafen, Germany
    Ferenc Kuhn, MD, PhD
    Birmingham, AL,
  • Gerhard Kieselbach, MD
    Professor of ophthalmology Innsbruck, Austria
    Jerzy Nawrocki, MD, PhD
    Professor of ophthalmology
    Lodz, Poland
  • Gabor B. Scharioth, MD
    Recklinghausen, Germany
    Manish Nagpal,
    MS, FRCS

    Ahmedabad, India
  • Tillmann Eckert, MD
    Frankfurt, Germany
    Francisco J. Ascaso, MD, PhD
    Zaragoza, Spain
ISSN: 2191-8473